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miss maam's worldbuilding challenge hub 2k23

Posts: 12
Martyrdom for a Merciless God
Topic starter

😎 during the months of november and december i would like to complete at least 30 worldbuilding "challenges" (though it's challenge enough to figure out what world i would like to develop and expand upon, they're all so good SOB) and see off the new year right-- creatively!


current list of challenge ideas:

1. lexember 4 me

  • create at least 14 words/phrases for dragonland and perhaps derive some worldbuilding from them
  • yassify a draconic script for dragonland (and maybe a "common tongue" for the non-blessed)

2. find and/or compile a list of worldbuilding "prompts" for me to select and enter into here for a centralized location for all of them

3. make a map for dragonland

  • moAR MAPS

4. try and do a lore-page a week for telmarea!



edit: you should also do this with me


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Posted : 04/09/2023 7:11 pm
Nemopedia reacted
Posts: 12
Martyrdom for a Merciless God
Topic starter
  1. Outline the diplomatic relations between political powers in your world (or focus area). How do these connections impact on daily life?
  2. Write about a local butcher's shop in your world. Which creatures are the cuts of meat from? What other interesting produce is for sale?
  3. Write about a character in your world who's questioning part of their identity. Is it their calling, gender, sexuality, faith, or something else? What sparked these thoughts?
  4. Describe a condition in your world that severely impairs movement. What technology or inventions have been created to help people who suffer with this?
  5. Write about a group or organization in your world that has recently disbanded. What happened that caused them to call it quits?
  6. Write a letter of invitation to a place or event in your world. Who is the invitation for? What medium is it written in and how should one reply?
  7. Write about a bizarre custom from a settlement in your world that is completely normal to them but very uncomfortable to outsiders.
  8. Describe a wonderful holiday location or tourist spot in your world. What makes it so appealing? Has tourism impacted upon the area or is it still a hidden gem?
  9. Write about a popular children's toy in your world. What is it made from? How does it function? Do other age groups enjoy or collect this toy?
  10. Create a list of insults from a region of your world. How subtle are they and what do they imply? What are the repercussions of using them?
  11. Write about a material which is incredibly hazardous in your world. What makes it so dangerous and how can it be safely used (if at all)?
  12. Write about an unarmed military unit in your world whose role is to boost morale within their group. How do they lift spirits to counter such stressful situations?
  13. Describe a major conspiracy theory in your world. Where does it originate from? Has it ever been proven to be true? How many people believe this?
  14. Write about an extreme weather phenomenon that happens in your world. Where can it appear and what causes it? What levels of impact can it have?
  15. Write about an unpopular guild in a region of your world. How did they fall out of favour and when did this happen? How can this be remedied?
  16. Write about a postal or delivery profession specific to a certain culture of your world. What things do they deliver and how far is their range?
  17. Write about a famously unsuccessful heist in your world. Where did it take place, what was the target, and what went wrong?
  18. Write about a travelling song or shanty in your world. Where did it originate from, who traditionally sings it, and what is the tune about?
  19. Broadly describe the esteemed honorary titles in a region of your world. How are they earned and what benefits do they grant?
  20. Describe a settlement in your world that has recently been completely abandoned. How big was it and why did everyone leave? What state was it left in?
  21. Write about an illegal pet from a region of your world. Why is it illegal to own one, what are the consequences, and are there any dangers involved?
  22. Describe a skill or spell in your world that's impractical but visually impressive. What makes it appealing and when is it frequently flaunted?
  23. Describe an invention or technology in your world that helps people with an impairment. How does it improve their quality of life and what's it made from?
  24. Write about a popular sport that's played in a region of your world. What are the rules and how many people take part?
  25. Describe a highly secure method of transport used by a particular group or organization in your world. What do they need to move securely and why?


(from this reddit post)

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Posted : 04/09/2023 8:21 pm
Nemopedia reacted
Posts: 12
Martyrdom for a Merciless God
Topic starter

cherry picked world anvil prompts from the past two summercamps!


An ocean, desert, plain, pocket dimension, or other large expanse

Α religion or organisation connected to a natural phenomenon

Α vehicle or type of vehicle used for long journeys

Α food that marks a rite of passage for a culture in your world

Α species that survives in an unlikely place

An astonishing natural wonder.

A settlement that was lost or discovered.

A tradition or ceremony which confers an honor on someone

A tradition which keeps monsters or bad luck away

A condition considered monstrous or "unlucky" by some

A resource that provides fuel or power

An animal associated with, or symbolizing, power

The title & responsibilities of an important person in your world

A destructive natural or supernatural event

Wild Card
Optional: a popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity

A settlement at the limits of the "known" or "civilized" world

A material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous location

A tradition or behavior considered old fashioned

Wild Card
A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world

Wild Card
An iconic building or landmark representing a location

An ancient city that is still inhabited today

A historical figure still venerated today, and why

A children's tale or song based on a real event

Wild Card
A rare natural phenomenon that most people look forward to

A form of silent communication

A system to send messages between distant places

An important public announcement that one person addressed to many

Wild Card
Optional: a "negative" condition that has hidden advantages

Wild Card
An organisation dedicated to keeping a major secret from the public

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Posted : 04/09/2023 9:09 pm
Nemopedia reacted
Posts: 12
Martyrdom for a Merciless God
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Most of the Elders are gone. Transcendent beings not meant to settle. The few left are stuck, immobile from their place in the universe 

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Posted : 04/09/2023 9:35 pm
Posts: 8

Picies really no work?

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Posted : 04/09/2023 9:51 pm
Posts: 12
Martyrdom for a Merciless God
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Posted : 04/09/2023 9:54 pm
Posts: 8


1. Do lore-page a week for Adestor!

2. Do 5 conlang exercises to flesh out either Sraselig or Fae.

3. Make 15 words or phrases for Fae.

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Posted : 21/09/2023 3:20 am